
Quadra collection

Designer: Anita Brotto



Consistency and surprise. Crystal and warmth. Quadra is a bridge between technological innovation and emotional dimension.

Born from the union between the study of detail and historical interpretation, Quadra embodies the desire for beauty and the need for simple rationality.

Artelinea has always considered its furniture to be unique “objects” thanks to the possibility of customizing them choicing their colors, finishes and combinations. Quadra carries this concept to the extreme not only with the expansion of the chromatic and material range but above all with its modularity.

Quadra + Regolo Colors

The transversality does not end with the combinations of furniture, mirrors and washbasins but is also realized in the coherence between the collections that become design tools.


Quadra Collection

Quadra + Regolo Colors

Available colours

Colours tops/basintops/furniture coverings.
22 Rosso
16 Terra
45 Avana
33 Tortora
L2 Seta
30 Bianco Assoluto
60 Seppia
26 Sardinia
D7 Velluto
39 Notte
L3 Perla
D6 Gesso
54 Grigio
11 Fumo
D8 Smeraldo
63 Erba
D9 Cashmere
35 Cipria
D0 Peonia
B6 Bronzo
Colours silk top/basintop/furniture coverings.
92 Rosso Silk
94 Terra Silk
05 Avana Silk
53 Tortora Silk
S2 Seta Silk
70 Bianco Silk
93 Seppia Silk
59 Sardinia Silk
E1 Velluto Silk
99 Notte Silk
S3 Perla Silk
E0 Gesso Silk
07 Grigio Silk
47 Fumo Silk
E2 Smeraldo Silk
44 Erba Silk
E3 Cashmere Silk
86 Cipria Silk
E4 Peonia Silk
F0 Bronzo Silk
Mirror finishes.
L8 Specchio Fumé Grigio
L9 Specchio Fumé Bronzo
02 Specchio
E5 Specchio Fumé Grigio Silk
E6 Specchio Fumé Bronzo Silk
Enameled fluted glass. Cabinet covering.
B1 Flutes Nero
B2 Flutes Bronzo
B3 Flutes Bianco
B7 Flutes Terra
B8 Flutes Grigio
B9 Flutes Notte
E7 Flutes Peonia
E8 Flutes Smeraldo
M1 Flutes Nero Silk
M2 Flutes Bronzo Silk
M3 Flutes Bianco Silk
M4 Flutes Terra Silk
M5 Flutes Cashmere Silk
M6 Flutes Tortora Silk
M7 Flutes Gesso Silk
M8 Flutes Fumo Silk
Enameled acid-etched glass. Cabinet covering.
F1 Barcode Bronzo
F2 Barcode Bianco
F3 Barcode Grigio
F4 Barcode Smeraldo
Enameled glass with engraved decoration.
F5 Inciso Quarzo Fumé
F6 Inciso Topazio
Washbasins, top and basintop.
20 Opalite Bianco
24 Opalite Nero
Washbasins, top and basintop.
QF Quarzo Fumé
TO Topazio
Top and basintop.
A0 Cristalplant
G0 Opitech (lucido)
G1 Opitech (opaco)
Furniture coverings.
A2 Filo Ghisa
A9 Filo Argento
A8 Filo Mercurio

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