We use cookies and other technologies to ensure you have the best possible browsing experience. Therefore, during your interaction with the website we will place cookies on your device to store certain information, including your preferences and the type of device you use, to ensure you more efficient operation of the website. You may change your browser settings to refuse cookies at any time. Some cookies (known as session cookies) are automatically deleted at the end of a browsing session, while others (persistent cookies) remain stored on the devices.

In compliance with Order no. 229 (www.garanteprivacy.it) issued by the Italian Data Protection Authority on 8 May 2014, we are providing you with the following information on cookies, their functions and how to disable them if necessary.

About cookies

Cookies are small text files that websites visited by a user send and store on his or her personal computer or any other device, including mobile devices, to be sent back to the same websites the next time the user visits them. Cookies are used for various purposes: for example, to remember the user's actions and preferences (such as, for example, login data, chosen language, font size, other display settings, etc.) so that they do not have to be specified again when the user returns to that website or navigates from one page of it to another; or to perform computer authentication or session monitoring and to save information regarding the activities of users accessing a website, and may also contain a unique identification code that allows tracking of the user's navigation within the website for statistical or advertising purposes. Certain operations may not be carried out without using cookies, which are therefore in certain cases technically necessary for the operation of the website itself.

Types of cookies and their functions

There are various types of cookies, with different characteristics and functions:

All the types of cookies mentioned above may remain on your computer or mobile device for varying periods of time, depending on the function they serve. Cookies stored on your computer or mobile device cannot be used to retrieve any data from your hard disk, transmit computer viruses, identify and use your e-mail address, or for any purpose other than those described above.

How to change cookie settings

Click here to accept or reject our website's cookies for marketing/profiling purposes. If you choose to reject this type of cookie, technical, navigation or session and functionality cookies will not be blocked. Please note that these preferences will not apply to other websites you may visit.

You can set and manage your cookie preferences at any time by selecting which cookies to allow, block or delete, in whole or in part, directly through your browser settings (i.e., the browser programme you use).

Below are some brief instructions on how to change cookie settings using your browser tools, with particular reference to the four most popular browsers:

For more information and details on the various types of cookies, how they work and their characteristics, we invite you to visit the open access websites - www.AllAboutCookies.org and www.youronlinechoices.com. To disable analytical cookies and to prevent Google Analytics from collecting data on your browsing, you can download the Browser Add-on for disabling Google Analytics: tools.google.com/dlpage/gaoptout. We will store your cookie preferences by means of a technical cookie with the characteristics specified in the table above.

Please note that blocking or deleting all or some:

How can I block cookies?

You can block cookies simply by activating the setting on your browser that allows you to refuse the placement of cookies. If you use your browser settings to disable, reject or block cookies (including essential cookies), part of our website will not be fully functional. In some cases, our website may not even be accessible. We also wish to inform you that if third parties use cookies, we have no control over their use.

Thank you!

Thank you for reading this information, which we have done our best to make simple, complete, clear and transparent. Nevertheless, we are always trying to improve: if you have any suggestions, please write to us at info@artelinea.it. This policy may change in the future; you will be informed of any changes by email, so that you can have as much control over your data as possible, in which case you will be required to read it again carefully

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